You know what's funnier than 24?


Today is my 25th birthday, and it feels weird to say that I’m no longer in my early twenties.

I was in college from 17-21, and then I hit the post-grad life head on as a 21 —> 22 year old.

A few factors made the ages of 22, 23, and 24 very interesting: the pandemic, working from home, dating, moving to a new city, tiktok, job changes, and my mental health.

I guess becoming 25 doesn’t necessarily mean that I’ve turned into this wise, experienced sage, but after going through these last few years, I feel a bit better about where I am now than where I was a few years ago.

It’s funny, because I always felt like I was “behind” since I was always younger than everyone, but now I don’t really care as much about age, and I can say that the mileage within the years matters way more, and what I learn from each chapter.

Each year after my post-grad life had some interesting theme about it... I wonder what 25 will be.

22 = post grad transition

23 = work

24 = mental health

25 = ? individuality? finding myself? Who knows!

I just hope for good health, happiness, and fun throughout this year — cause I know we all need a little more of these.

Fun fact: did you know that Adele’s albums are named after the age when she started writing the songs in the albums? She has an album called 25 — is this a metaphor!?!?!?!

Claire S Lee